Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Patron of the Arts

The first grade musical was called A Barnyard Moosical, and so of course, I already loved it, even if it didn't include Lennon dressed as a goat in a chef's hat, delivering quite a bit of sass while singing about pigs who shake their milkshake.

Her line was, "Most goats eat garbage and clothes off the line. Tin cans and paper, that's how most goats dine." Probably as long as I live, I will never forget that, mostly because she said it at least ten times a day every day since the day she found out she got a speaking part.

The musical was caught on video, but, because we're kind of not smart, we didn't take any pictures. And now our video camera, we have discovered, is too old for our computer. Time to suck it up and buy a new one? Hahahaha, you're funny. no. Eric has already begun his efforts to stick square pegs in round holes, with duct tape and wire and other things husbands use to avoid spending money directly. That video will get onto this computer, if it requires blood sacrifice and sayings about high water.

Really, it was a great way to spend the afternoon. I don't even mind having songs about funky chickens stuck in my head.


amber and alma said...

That sounds awesome, like a Sandra Boyton book come to life.

Renee said...

Amber, that is EXACTLY what it was like.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I might have some cables/old computers with old holes (wink) that would take your camera. If he doesn't fix it tonight, bring it over with you tomorrow.

Luann said...

You probably just need a different kind of cable to connect it. My husband has found all kinds of cables online to work with our ancient equipment. It might be worth checking out.

Becky Andrews said...

Love the visual with your recorder and computer. So reminds me of last christmas! Happy Thanksgiving.

Kristin said...

I'm sad I missed the grande performance...it was my last day of work before vacation and those are the worst! I want to see the video!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with the "not smart" part of this post ;-).

Happy Thanksgiving
