Monday, December 15, 2008


Katy said...

I havn't checked out blog frog... or at least I havn't figured out how it works. However, blog stalking is fun, even though I feel like a complete stalker ever since sitemeter. I hate that damn thing. It exposes me!

Anonymous said...

Nay! Please tell me about this "tracker" device you're talking about! I lurk on a particular person's blog and don't want them to it possible she knows? Yikes...all this time spent getting intel in order to snark on her and maybe I was the fool this whole time? Please, I gotta know how this works!

Katy said...

Oh Kristen, I don't know who you are, but I almost guarantee that you're exposed. The worst thing is that you can make the tracking secret. So people can have the sitemeter and you'd never know. Yeah, it totally makes stalking way more stalkerish and less "I just have an innocent blog" I feel your pain.