Here's a little rundown of how that weekend went down:
Harrison learned how to tell people he's 2. Lennon got her first corsage. My dad wore a pink shirt. I tried on antique Sunday hats and ate baked goods with friends. My mom, sister, and I scraped wallpaper glue. My phone was stolen. Lennon learned Free Willy had sequels. Harrison sang me a Justin Bieber song. My brother taught me how to look less stupid in pictures. I ate nothing but tacos, pizza, and cookies. Harrison got a haircut and diarrhea, but not in that order. Lennon wrote a story about a Unicorn/Dragon romance (so ahead of its time).
And Eric got to think too much about how old people spend their honeymoon night. But he also got dinner and a show in Vegas.
You win some, you lose some.
All in all, I'd call it a success.
That sounds like a hell of a party.
this explains why you didn't respond to my "did lunch make you sick" text
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