Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Little Man, Doing Things

It happened. I told Harrison to get me a diaper, because I didn't want to get up, but he needed changing, and you guys, he actually did it. He got me the diaper.

The kid understood me. He knew where the diapers were. He could walk to them, and use the part of his brain that retains directions long enough to get under the sink and bring me the package. And then he laid down next to me and lifted his legs.

I'm going to need to borrow a baby to snuggle, because this one is ready to up and leave me for college already. Not cool, Harrison. Except, totally cool. Because we're getting closer to "Get me a can of Coke and a glass of ice, little man." And speaking from experience, that's a beautiful day, indeed.


witticism here said...

Boo. But yay! I love when I don't have to hike my butt upstairs for shoes, etc.

witticism here said...

Boo. But yay! I love when I don't have to hike my butt upstairs for shoes, etc.

Sarah Beau Bera said...

Sweet. Sweet like cool, not sweet like oh how sweet. Get it?

Heidi said...

Wow he already realizes his mom is one lazy lady. He doesn't want to feel the shit squisy feeling anymore so of course he could find the diapers. He probably knows how to change himself too and cook grilled cheese. He is just making you do it as long as possible Renee.

Mama's Place said...

Hey that's why I keep Jack around.Ü

The Wizzle said...

I love it! Iris can now close cupboards and replace their contents...but she can't quite refrain from getting in them in the first place.