Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What's this from?

Okay, my brother and I can't figure this one out.

What movie is it where a guy, or possibly a kid, is like, maybe hiding in a room or behind a curtain or on the other side of a wall, and there's another guy on the other side of the wall or in the other room or on the other side of the curtain and he thinks the first guy is something like his wife or girlfriend or some kind of woman, so the first guy can't talk, or he'll be found out, and we don't really know why he's hiding, but anyway the second guy is asking the first guy if everything is okay, and the first guy (or kid) is like "mmmHmmm" in a really high-pitched tone, and then the second guy says something maybe like "Do you need any help?" or "Why don't you come out of there?" or some kind of question, I can't be sure what, and the first guy uses his high-pithed voice again and goes, "unhUhhh" (you know, like "no way")?

We don't remember the setting, the characters, the plot, or the dialogue, but we know it exists.

Little help?


Anonymous said...

It's from an episode of Saved By The Bell. Zach is in the nurse's office and thinks Slater is the hot new nurse he just dumped Kelly for. You're welcome.

Jason Centers said...

That reminds me . . . At the U of A I once messed around with this guy that would ditch class to watch reruns of Saved by the Bell.

Unless that was you, anonymous poster. If that's the case: Treasured memories!

Renee said...

Anonymous, will you be my new boyfriend? Or girlfriend, as the case may be? I can't begin to express my love for you.

Renee said...

Also, oh my hell, I'm embarrassed.

Katy said...

I just watched clips from that episode on youtube hoping to find that scene... can't find it. I'm not doubting you anonymous, I just really want to see it, for what's probably the 700th time.

Ern said...

Did Anonymous solve it, Renee? That is so awesome.

diane said...

Wow. I can't believe Anonymous figured it out. You're description sounded to me like: "Has anyone seen that movie? The one with the guy? And there were some lines that he said? Which movie was that?"

Anonymous said...

It sounds like threes company

Anonymous said...

maybe it was from bosom buddies??? or bachelor party???? I think it could have been .... the fresh prince???

Momma Trish said...

I remember that from Three's Company. The one where Jack thought that one of his roommates wanted to start something up with him based on a magazine quiz he'd found (which turned out not to have been completed by either of them). So Larry, Jack, and the girls went away to some cabin so that Jack could figure out which of the girls had completed the quiz. And Jack thought he was talking to Janet, who had been sleeping on the couch earlier. But he didn't know that she and Larry had switched places, and Larry was lying there listening to him pour out his heart and pretending to be Janet, with the really high pitched voice.

Did Saved by the Bell do the same scene? Hilarious!!

Momma Trish said...

Synopsis for the episode is here:
