For the past three days, it has been summer every morning in this house.
Which means my kids won't stop yelling at each other. They also fight over everything, from who gets to sit on my left side, to who gets to use the blue bowl for their blueberries. This morning I heard them wake up and turn on the TV, fighting over who got to watch Sesame Street first. No, you read that right. Not who got to pick what to watch, or which episode they'd be watching, but which one of the two of them was going to watch THE EXACT SAME SHOW AT THE EXACT SAME TIME IN THE EXACT SAME ROOM .... first.
So you can understand maybe why I decided to stay in bed, and allowed them to eat Cheez-its and dry cereal for breakfast. It's for them, really. Because I love them too much to go in there and "Mom" them to death (or to change the channel, and send them to clean their rooms while I eat Cheez-its and dry cereal).
In fact, it's 11:14 am, and I still haven't gotten out of bed. I'm building up strength. Every time I hear them whine about scooting over to the other side of the chair (not couch... chair. WHY are they sharing a chair??), or I hear one of the big bouncy balls that are so not allowed in that room hit the wall, I just retreat further into my pillow. Obviously, I can't sit the whole day out, but the idea is a nice one, and I'd like to hold onto it for a couple more minutes.
And now I am pretty sure they are watching Ghost Adventurers and making their own toast... Yup, party's over.
This morning I put back ON the workout clothes i was wearing yesterday for the run i planned to take at 1:00 but didn't. And here it is almost 24 hours later and still no run. Making perpetual plans to exercise is just my sad excuse to not get ready, EVER.
I like your style. I'm sitting here now trying to come up with a good excuse to never again wear shoes.
teamBoo, I have totally done that. Workout clothes are so much better than pajamas, because you can either say you are about to go work right "right after this", or (even better) that you have just come from working out, but you won't even be sweaty because of course you didn't do anything, but then everyone will be marveling at how not only are you so fit and fabulous and together, but you DON'T EVEN SWEAT!
I like your parenting style Renee. I have done the same. Usually my kids go for the candy and hot dogs though. You have to choose your battles. They also need to learn to work it out on their own... at least that's what I tell myself to justify that I am ignoring their bad behavior towards one another...
So...who won the race to watch Sesame Street first? (Because if I had been there it totally would have been me.)
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