Monday, July 5, 2010

Evaluate THIS

Have you met my son, The Mute Genius? A couple of speech and occupational therapists did, this afternoon, and Harrison decided this would be a prime opportunity to behave like a child who not only doesn't want to speak, but who can't bother to speak. Or make eye contact, or engage in any way, really. Or, oh I don't know, NOT make elaborate block sculptures after we explained that we don't really know if he's even stacked two before today, so maybe we should give him a few and see what he does.

Yeah, that was my son. "Please don't look at me or talk to me. I'm busy obsessively stacking these 9 blocks in every mathematically possible way, while you try to determine whether or not I might be Rain Man Reborn." Harrison, apparently, LOVES to eff with everyone's minds. He'll teach us to bring in an evaluator. If they had stayed a couple minutes longer, he probably would have toddled over to the piano to compose a concerto in E minor, just to be a cuss about it.

So, long story short, Harrison qualifies for Early Intervention services, based on a significant speech delay, and mild to moderate delays in other areas, which may or may not be inaccurately represented by the fact that Harrison likes to throw a figurative middle finger at State employees. We'll be in touch "soon. Really soon."

He's a little man of little words, but that doesn't mean I don't get him. Sometimes a figurative middle finger is all you've got.


In case anyone is curious, we'll start to develop his individual program and goals within the next week.


Unknown said...

It's good to know he (and you) still has a sense of humor about it.

Please keep us updated!

amber and alma said...

Harrison is a complicated man, not to be understood- just to be adored. I am sure he will roll those dreamy eyes and say "I guess if I have to ramble on like one of those other toddlers to get you out of my face..."

diane said...

That is the best display ever. Good job, Harrison!

The Wizzle said...

Stick it to the Man, Harrison. Stick it to the man. Don't let them break you!

monika said...

haha, Harrison rocks!

Anonymous said...

Then you, I assume, are somewhere along the downward spiral of self-blame and guilt that ends at born-again Christian? Oh great.

Scarlet said...

Brady is going to speech Therapy. apparently his mouth doesn't have the fine motor skills to form words. Seriously who has time for that with all the skateboarding and scootering and swimming he does? maybe at least Harrison will bore with them and talk just to get them out of his hair.

vicky said...

Loved this and really needed to read it today!